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Mapping the Sky consists of a cartographic study of the non-physical and undefinable: how can the sky itself be defined as a space? Mapping out the sky itself as a space in its own right has never been done before. Over a period of two years, Maud van den Beuken collaborated with cartographer Falco Joosten to develop a method for defining the sky.

With technical support of ESRI, the European Space Agency (ESA), KNMI and Hasselblad.
Supported by CBK Rotterdam (Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam)

Mapping the Sky II (video), 2015 - 2018

Video-installation consisting of 3 synchronized video projections

Camera and edit: Patrice Winfield

Duration: 15 minutes


Photos: Peter Cox


This work was exhibited in a solo exhibition at EENWERK Gallery in Amsterdam (NL).


The research was for this project was supported by CBK Rotterdam (Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam) and Budgetcam.

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© Maud van den Beuken, 2024


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